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C++ Repository

Last several years I have often been working with projects writing on C and C++. One of my activities is to take part in the hiring process by interviewing of the technical staff. In this repo I am gathering all information that can help working with C/C++ and passing an interview on C or C++ developer position.

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60 non-standard Node.js interview questions for Node.js system developers

August 14, 2024

This is the second part of the interesting set of non-standard Node.js interview questions for Node.js developers which were created by Timur Shemsedinov (CTO at QOTEQ, Salucyber, Metatech; Architect at Metarhia and Metactos; Lecturer at KPI, KSE). This 60 questions are for system Node.js developers only. But from my point of view you can use these questions during the interview and for preparation for the interview for backend developers for checking the deep knowledge of the Node.js of each developer.

55 non-standard Node.js interview questions for Node.js backend developers

June 18, 2024

Very interesting set of non-standard Node.js interview questions for Node.js backend developers which were created by Timur Shemsedinov (CTO at QOTEQ, Salucyber, Metatech; Architect at Metarhia and Metactos; Lecturer at KPI, KSE). From my point of view you can use these questions during the interview and for preparation for the interview.

Introduction into GRASP Design Principles

May 3, 2024

At its core, the principles of GRASP rely on the foundations of OOP - inheritance, polymorphism and encapsulation. And it is from them that the well-known GoF (Gangs of Four) design patterns can be derived.

How to check the Computer Science knowledge during a tech interview for the Frontend Developers

March 12, 2024

During an interview I prefer not to ask questions like What are the scopes of a variable in JavaScript?. I am not interested in whether a candidate has a good memory or not. I try to find out the candidate can combine theory and coding skills. Does he even understand what he writes and why?

Common mistake in a technical interview for the frontend developers

February 7, 2024

Passing a lot of interview, that are related to JavaScript and a work as a frontend developer, I noticed that a lot of time during that interview has the questions about different frameworks - React or Angular, only a small part were about the pure JavaScript and were almost never Computer Science questions.

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Berlin relocation Guide

How to receive a German Tax number, open bank account, apply for a Blue Card, setup German health insurance? What additional insurance do you need? How to get a local phone number? Many more is covered!

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